Monday 21 March 2016

Isaac Newton (ILI): Personality Type Analysis

Sir Isaac Newton, PRS was an influential physicist and mathematician and is credited as one of the considerable personalities of the seventeenth century 'Scientific Revolution'. With revelations in optics, movement and arithmetic, Newton built up the standards of cutting edge material science. In 1687, he distributed his most acclaimed work, 'Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy' - which has been known as the an absolute timeless book on material science. Newton has been viewed for very nearly 300 years as the establishing model of present day physical science, his accomplishments in test examination being as inventive as those in numerical exploration. With equivalent, if not more noteworthy, vitality and innovation he additionally dove into science, the early history of Western human advancement, and philosophy; among his extraordinary studies was an examination of structure and measurements. 

Particularly in his youth, Newton was profoundly thoughtful and reflective in his musings. On various accounts of his biographies describe him as spending extensive amounts of time buried within his thoughts and detaching from events irrelevant to advancing his scientific career. Isaac Newton was primarily attuned to abstract concepts of scientific thought, deeply researching and gathering important evidence from sources that he trusted and limited any sort of structured information that held of no relevance to his individual research. His perceptions of the universe were often esoteric and otherworldly, despite his pragmatic and factual approach to solving concrete mathematical investigations. Isaac was generally seen as reclusive and perceptive by those who admired him, yet ill-tempered and critical towards those who he scrutinized. The papers that he published were rather highly abstract and intellectual, generally being primarily centered around his interpretation of a subject - utilizing the useful contributions of some scientists and rejecting the contributions of other scientists who were 'ignorant' or 'misguided' in his view. From what is aforementioned about Isaac Newton gives of a the initial impression of a T1 type - being highly contemplative and secretive as a scholar, who had a very conceptual and selective interpretation of the physical sciences. 

The most essential confirmation of Newton's improvement during his youth and adulthood was supplied by the arrangements of costs he kept from 1659-1669 in the 'Fitzwilliam Notebook' (now known as the 'Trinity' notebook). This source mollifies the picture of an unsmiling, self-consumed and serious man who felt a constant sense of doubt that impeded his ability to communicate himself professionally. Additionally, this source also outlines the advancement of Isaac Newton's scholarly hobbies. He later became more empowered to devise and direct trials unassisted to fabricate the vast majority of his experiments. In this sense, Isaac was a perfectionist at heart - often to the point of eliminating entire paragraphs of speculative reasoning if the thesis or sources of information were outright wrong or absurd. He was not only critical of his own work, but exceptionally skeptical of the ideas of other scientists claiming that their works were completely correct - to which Isaac would often irritably rebuke to why, how and most importantly how these ideas lacked efficiency. All of this information points to an individual with a clear strength and valuing of P, in how he was clearly attentive to the factual content and relevancy of other's works and being able to devise a clear response as to why and how the content of this paper is inaccurate. However, Isaac was clearly attuned to his own solitary recollection of the sciences and naturally preferred to propose that his ideas held precedence over the ideas of others - yet was naturally more flexible when applying these concepts to empirical reasoning. This suggests a cautiousness rather than boldness, making P2 a better fit.

Some information that was recovered during Isaac's undergraduate years, he eventually got out now and then to go to the bar and every so often played cards with his fellow classmates. Despite his involvement in social gatherings with people he deemed as trustworthy, he did not possess even the slightest enthusiasm towards these advancements of constructing a universally inclusive atmosphere. This contributes to the fact that Newton was profoundly defensively critical and harsh when addressing others - very often condescendingly - to the point of it affecting it harming his social reputation, which he didn't care about at all. Indeed, even in his development of becoming rich, well-known and becoming universally acclaimed as one of the world's premier scholars - he was profoundly frail and desolate. He remained prisoner to bouts of sadness and upheavals of fierce temper in an unyielding quest to lampoon anybody who felt him debilitated. The most celebrated of this case was his organized battle to pulverize the notoriety of Gottfried Leibniz, who he accepted has stolen the disclosure of calculus from him. The following suggests very weak and devalued E, being very neglectful towards his emotional states and purposefully withdrawing from the social environments where he simply had no interest in what others thought of him. This applies to the incessant nature of E4, in that Isaac was harsh and critical towards others he deemed as moronic or unenlightened, yet did not even attempt to 'sugar-coat' his criticism in a constructive way - deeming that alone would be too much for them to comprehend.

Examining other sources of Newton's life, by a wide margin the most imperative of these is the rundown paper he worked out in 1662 of the considerable number of sins he could have conferred, which he stayed up with the latest for indeterminate (yet genuine) brief period from the 'Fitzwilliam Notebook'. It gives us a captivating look into Newton's isolated and small voice, the most striking element of this is how misinformed it is on the large portion of transgressions that appear about how accurately he is described. The offenses that Newton committed are far less shocking compared to those recorded in Samuel Pepy's journal - who clearly pokes fun at his lack of F in his indecisive and apathetic behavior in carrying out his vengeance. His hermetic nature to develop his works independently and outside of group discussion was Newton's primary attitude towards his career and remained that way in later years. As such, it would be reasonable to see Newton as an F5 type, being very poorly suited towards interacting with the outside world and generally saw limitations to superficial ambitions that amassed wealth and prestige, rather searching for something that still fulfilled his long-term ambitions that were career and research oriented - fabricating an omnipotent and intimidating persona for himself.

In mid 1693, he incidentally lost all grasp on reality and convinced himself that his companions Locke and Pepys were plotting against him. He later admitted to Locke that amid this emergency, "when one let me know you were wiped out, I addressed twere better off chance that you were dead". Whether or not this is clear that Newton truly told anyone this or simply envisioned that he had, it does inform us that Isaac Newton did have a harsh and vindictive nature towards those he personally despised. However, Newton held great anxiety towards forming relationships with others - not only became a problem of shyness, but a problem of ethics as well. The idea that Newton strongly emphasized relationships as a definitive factor that dictated how minimally developed (despite still feeling quite concerned about) on R matters. All of what has been previously stated in earlier paragraphs along with this one emphasizes a repetitive focus on R+F, trusting sources of information, people, ideas and holding a great importance to these values when formulating the T aspects of his work. Despite holding this trait endearingly in Isaac's life, he was constantly perceived from others as unfriendly and antagonistic - supporting the claim that Isaac has valued, bold and unfathomably weak R6.

Thus far what has been mentioned about Isaac Newton clearly points towards T1, P2, E4, F5 and R6. In conclusion, I believe Isaac Newton is a timeless representative of the ILI type of information metabolism.

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