Friday 7 August 2015

A Very Abridged Introduction to Socionics

Where Socionics differs most significantly from the MBTI is its focus on Quadras, four groupings of four personality types, united by having similar values and ways of looking at the world. The most beneficial relationships are thought to occur between people of the same Quadra. Each Quadra is composed of two opposite halves, known as Clubs, which naturally complement each other. These Clubs, which are the same in terms of their strengths and weaknesses, are known as either Researchers and Socialites or Pragmatists and Humanitarians. Finally, each Club within each Quadra splits into two types of opposing Temperaments, i.e. differing levels of energy and flexibility. All in all, this results in 16 types.

The following presentation in quotes was written by Rana Levy from World Socionics Society: 


Alpha types are ILE, SEI, ESE and LII. They are childlike in their values.

Researchers – “Alphas understand and are content with different viewpoints and concepts. They are open to multiple possibilities and are also characterized as having unconstrained openness towards ideas and people. They are not prone to dismissing or eliminating differing viewpoints or lifestyles of others. They seek consistency and clarity of their worldviews and desire structured and systematic principles to which they define ideas and concepts.” Alpha Researchers are either the sanguine ILE or melancholic LII.

Socialites – “Alphas value and appreciate positive mood and emotional atmosphere of the people surrounding them. There is emphasis on collectivism, collaborating and universal participation in Alpha types. They are primarily optimistic and positive people who enjoy a range of uplifting emotionality and enjoy relaxing atmospheres. The Alpha types prefer environments that are comfortable, laid back, enjoyable and free of judgment and negativity.” Alpha Socialites are either the phlegmatic SEI or choleric ESE.


Beta types are EIE, LSI, SLE and IEI. They are youthful in their values.

Humanitarians – “Beta types are driven to value and devalue people based on the sensibility of ideological principles rather than the individual character. The visionary nature of the Beta types is typically narrower in focus, and implemented in groups of people who share similar ideologies. Betas tend to enjoy collectivist environments in which the group can agree and move in similar directions. They are aware of changing atmospheres and signals in an exterior emotional space and are quickly able to recognize ideological conflicts quickly. There is an emphasis on emotional energy and can give them the appearance of being expressive. They value environments of free expression with no restrictions or censorship. (” Beta Humanitarians are either the choleric EIE or phlegmatic IEI. 

Pragmatists – “Beta types value impactful action and direct initiative. They seek consistency and clarity in their worldviews and appreciate decisiveness and momentum in following through with goals. They are motivated by beliefs and worldviews that are internally consistent, which in turn helps them interpret messages of the world. There is an emphasis on logical principles and ideologies rather than expanding on multiple possibilities. There is attentiveness to contradiction/inconsistency and importance on transparency with regard to Beta types. Betas can also recognize and confront conflict, as they are aware that conflict is an inevitable aspect of the world.” Beta Pragmatists are either melancholic LSI or sanguine SLE.


Gamma types are SEE, ILI, LIE and ESI. They are mature in their values.

Socialites – “Gamma types move away from people they dislike or distrust. It is not abnormal for Gammas to judge harshly and cut their losses with individuals. The true colors of the individuals around the Gamma types is more important than the overall atmosphere or group emotion, as the Gamma types place less value on the environment and mood of others around them. This can result as a strict selectivity on who they trust and who they do not trust. There is also the aspect of character selection in the form of immediate impact - which can in turn make Gammas seem impulsive in some aspects with their judgments.” Gamma Socialites are either the sanguine SEE or melancholic ESI. 

Researchers – “Gamma types are characterized by independence and self-reliance. They are able to project long term plans and large scale visions of goals they would like to accomplish, and are appreciative of autonomous atmospheres where they are not reliant upon others. Gamma types are also adamant on gathering information from trustworthy and reliable sources as a means of analyzing data on their own. They value grounded implementation and pragmatism. Gamma types are typically less open to expansive ideas and prefer narrowing down possibilities as a means of having a singular goal.” Gamma Researchers are either the phlegmatic ILI or choleric LIE.


Delta types are LSE, EII, IEE and SLI. They are senior in their values.

Pragmatists – “Deltas value self-sufficiency and pragmatism. They have an appreciation for positions in which they can build upon properties of the world in an efficient manner, and are prone to recognizing the immediate surroundings… Deltas are more concerned with what is factually accurate and trustworthy information than what is a consistent ideology or system. As such, Deltas will be inclined to find little value in otherworldly worldviews and will prefer an earthier, practical approach to solve problems. They typically have immediate and functional methods to integrate into communities they are a part of.” Delta Pragmatists are either the choleric LSE or phlegmatic SLI. 

Humanitarians – “Deltas are characterized as having good faith judgment and typically value the potential goodness of a person rather than harsh judgment. However - it is still important that they determine and evaluate the closeness of others and see the potential that people can offer. Deltas are prone to see the merit in exploring multiple possibilities, disciplines and schools of thought, which can manifest as being open minded and accepting of alternative lifestyles. There is merit to independent thought and self-growth for Deltas, as this is their preferred environment. As such - they are not typically interested in cultural or societal traditions or expectations, and can live eccentric lifestyles.” Delta Humanitarians are either the melancholic EII or sanguine IEE.

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