Thursday 28 May 2015

LII - Logical Intuitive Integrator - "The Analyst"

This is the type profile for the Logical Intuitive Integrator (LII). To see more type profiles, click here.

Immanuel Kant
1. Laws
Central to the LII is their coherent structure of laws and principles through which they formulate an understanding of the world around them. LIIs are motivated by a need to analyse and make sense of their experiences, abstracting from them certain rules or regularities and drawing them into a consistent, theoretical framework. For them, truth is the pinnacle of understanding and such truth can only be reached if everything accepted fits together and makes perfect internal sense. Only then can their structure possibly be correct. Many LIIs will be drawn to fields where they are able to make sense of the fundamentals that ordain our world, with many being found in mathematics, philosophy or even theology. Less intellectual or educated LIIs will nevertheless have an emphasis on the general principles by which they have naturally come to understand their experiences and will insist on trying to make sense of things according to these principles. Some LIIs can dedicate their lives to being system-builders, slowly and painstakingly piecing together a jigsaw in their minds that might revolutionise their chosen field. However, at some level, all LIIs will be driven to create a certain theoretical consistency in their lives, carefully ordering their thoughts and ideas through which to interpret a variety of phenomena.

2. Ideas
Emmy Noether
The structures of LIIs are usually theoretical, being general principles behind interpretations of a multitude of daily events. Abstraction is a key process in an LII's law formation, with the manifold possible happenings and instances in our complex world ideally being successfully and consistently explained by only a few axioms and their logically sound interactions. As such, the LII is often very intellectually curious, and regularly seeks a broad horizon of instances and examples that they can draw together into a systemic framework. This might also make them rather nosy, asking probing questions into people's lives in their drive to better understand and analyse a situation. Often they may resort to unusual thought experiments and previously unconsidered states of affairs in order to demonstrate the conclusions of their reasoning, thus demonstrating how their logic can account for any and every situation. Similarly, their interests and hobbies may be rather offbeat and quirky, with them trying out past-times that others would not think of attempting. 

Woody Allen
3. Relations
The LII is usually capable of being polite and formal around people they do not know so well. They are aware of differences in familiarity and can manage their relations with others to an acceptable level, which means that their small collection of friends is usually maintained over a long time. However, personal ties are by no means a point of precedence for the LII. Rather than side with a friend because of their relationship, an LII will always prioritise detached reasoning and will likely stay impartial in any interpersonal disputes. Loyalty for them will always take second place to the pursuit of truth, and a friend will need to make sure they are in the right for the LII to provide support. Similarly, despite being rather aware of their attitudes or sentiments and whether they like someone or not, the LII will prefer to treat everyone fairly, not varying their treatment of others simply due to having personal favourites in a group.

4. Force
Nicole Kidman
LIIs tend to be very gentle and abhor any sort of aggression or social pressure. Usually their idea of fairness and order has no place for forceful competition and they may naively underestimate the capacity of others to wilfully act in their interests against the tenets of the system. The LII may see their reasoning as an appeal to the higher virtues, failing to adequately confront the more brutal, primal instincts that demand more for oneself than is duly owed. They will likely show disdain for those who attack others on superficial failings or resorting to crude, unrefined behaviour, such as trying to get one's way through brute force, rather than sitting down and having a rational discussion. Often the LII will be rather brittle, being unable to force people into respecting their principles and snapping under pressure from others. In this way, they tend to make poor leaders, failing to establish dominance and either stepping down as soon as the going gets tough or stubbornly clinging to their principles until ousted. Occasionally LIIs may be sceptical towards the social machinations of others, believing that people are going to gang up on them and try to force them to do something that contradicts their principles.

René Descartes
5. Emotions
When leading the conversation, LIIs can come across as a bit stiff. Emotional expression does not come easily to them and their focus on detached logical thought can result in them being rather disconnected from the emotions of those around them and unable to communicate adequately how they feel to others. This can result in social awkwardness or them boring others when talking about a niche topic of interest, as well as being unable to tell that they are failing to impress. However, when a good mood is set by others around them, they can begin to cut loose and become surprisingly expressive in short bursts of happy emotionality. However, they will lack the ability to regulate this themselves and may just as easily fall into inopportune bouts of depression that can be inconsiderately expressed to others. They often need someone who can raise their spirits and keep them in a positive mindset. Despite often having something highly insightful and well-thought to say, LIIs are not very good at getting people interested and cannot adequately command people's attention. This can easily cause them to feel socially isolated and lonely. As such, they greatly appreciate engaging, charismatic individuals who are able to welcome them into the fold and communicate their insights to others in an exciting way. Furthermore, the doggedness of LIIs with their principles can result in a lacklustre existence. 

Mary Somerville
6. Senses
LIIs grow and develop by edging carefully out of their mental palaces to better appreciate the wholesome pleasures of the real world. A crucial aspect to helping LIIs emotionally unwind is in the creation of physical harmony in their surroundings and satisfying their more aesthetic tastes. LIIs tend to feel vulnerable to their physical surroundings and can find that it easily becomes overwhelming. As such, they can be quite picky and sensitive about their sensory experiences, with a fastidiousness over the things they like and a need to satisfy these preferences in a well-balanced moderation, enjoying very particular kinds of food and only liking physical contact in certain areas. Although trying to avoid anything that feels like a chore, LIIs will tend to attempt certain daily tasks as a therapeutic or enjoyable activity, such as cooking, jogging, painting or some other physically creative pursuit. Provided the demands are placed on attention to detail, rather than physical exertion, LIIs can do rather well for themselves. Such hobbies they will pursue with a highly self-critical perfectionism. However, they will be very responsive to the expressed approval of others in these areas and will swell with pride from compliments. LIIs can learn to dress neatly and well, but tend to remain modest, liking to show that they have a sense of taste but rarely feeling the need to change what they wear for new fashions. When they find a look they are comfortable with they may stick with that outfit for years. More often, their developed eye for detail can further embellish their theoretical constructions, giving them an appreciation for symmetry and making systems not only consistent and sound, but elegant and conceptually harmonious. 

Charles I of England
7. Pragmatism
LIIs' pursuit of truth is largely based on the theoretical structures they deduce from basic, self-evident axioms. When it comes to appealing to factual data or seeing how the structure compares to empirical tests, the LII is rather less interested. Although able to analyse the data if necessary to back up their theories, LIIs tend to be dissatisfied with the idea that truth comes from the statistics we happen to observe under arbitrary conditions. Instead of seeing this as the commonly-accepted standard for knowledge, the LII will prefer to acknowledge the only indisputable fact of scientific practice; that it is never perfect but always falsifiable. LIIs strive for perfection in their truth and such a thing can only be acquired through the intellectual purity of mathematical and logical thought. Furthermore, LIIs prefer not to assess the worth of their activities based on how helpful or productive it is. Although capable of working efficiently and creating helpful structures, the LII is unlikely to assess the merits of a system based on how well it works. Instead, their priority will be that all parts of the system hang together in a consistent, elegant and explanatory manner.

Angela Merkel
8. Time
Most LIIs are prone to deep thought and may spend an undue amount of time in their head, thinking about the world around them. They may give the impression of having great insight, being able to deliver sage advice on life, the universe and everything to those around them. Certainly, the LII tends to exist across time, seeing clearly how events in the distant past can bring about outcomes in our far-off future. However, the LII is unlikely to see a singular teleological purpose as the end goal for their thinking pursuits. Instead, the LII will wish to understand for the sake of understanding. In this way, they will channel their uncanny sense of the profound and far-reaching towards the close investigation of multiple interesting perspectives and possibilities, seeing which are most important to explicating the theoretical structures they are working on. They may know when an initiative is probably going to be fruitless at the end, but may nevertheless try to give it a chance and hear out the differing perspective, just in case they may be wrong. 

Some famous people we think are LIIs:

  • John Quincy Adams
  • Alfred the Great
  • Woody Allen
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Bashar al-Assad
  • Bede
  • Pope Benedict XVI
  • Tony Benn
  • David Bohm
  • David Brooks (cultural commentator)
  • John Calvin
  • Neville Chamberlain
  • Charles I of England
  • Charles V of France
  • Charles, Prince of Wales
  • Noam Chomsky
  • Frédéric Chopin
  • Jeremy Corbyn
  • James Damore
  • René Decartes
  • Duns Scotus
  • Freeman Dyson
  • Jesse Eisenberg
  • Euclid
  • Micahel Foot
  • Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
  • Kurt Gödel
  • Tiberius Gracchus
  • Hugo Grotius
  • G. H. Hardy
  • Henry VI of England
  • Douglas Hofstadter
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Nouman Ali Khan
  • Nicole Kidman
  • Leo VI the Wise
  • Louis XVI of France
  • James Madison
  • Gustav Mahler
  • John Major
  • Dmitry Medvedev
  • Angela Merkel
  • Joseph Needham
  • Emmy Noether
  • Ron Paul
  • Maurice Ravel
  • Jacob Rees-Mogg
  • Bernie Sanders
  • Sejong the Great
  • Dmitri Shostakovich
  • Philip Snowden, 1st Viscount Snowden
  • Mary Somerville
  • Albert Speer
  • Baruch Spinoza
  • Nikola Tesla
  • Theodosius II
  • J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Alan Turing
  • John Tyler
  • Alexander Van der Bellen
  • Max Weber
Some fictional characters we think are LIIs:
  • Australia (Hetalia)
  • Mary Bennet (Pride & Prejudice)
  • Regulus Black (Harry Potter)
  • Estonia (Hetalia)
  • Vato Falman (Fullmetal Alchemist)
  • Ross Geller (Friends)
  • Linton Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
  • Iceland (Hetalia)
  • Japan (Hetalia)
  • Iwakura Lain (Serial Experiments Lain)
  • L (Death Note)
  • Kurisu Makise (Steins;Gate)
  • Tim Marcoh (Fullmetal Alchemist)
  • Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
  • Jerry Seinfeld (Seinfeld)
  • Shiro (No Game No Life)
  • Sai Yamanaka (Naruto)

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